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The Secret Sisters - "Mississippi" // The Bluegrass Situation

The Secret Sisters perform «Mississippi» live from Downtown Los Angeles

Edited and Directed by Richard Downie

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Ry Cooder - The Prodigal Son (Live in studio)

«The Prodigal Son», Ry Cooders first new solo release in six years, is available now! Buy or stream now here: found.ee/RYtps

Directed by Jeff Coffman

Follow Ry:
Official Website: rycooder.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/rycooderofficial
Instagram: www.instagram.com/rycooderofficial

now, the prodigal son was a forward child, his mind was not to obey
but after he left his father’s house he thought he had gone astray
i believe i believe that i will go back home
i believe i believe that i will go back home
i believe i believe i that i will go back home
and be a servant of the Lord
his father saw him coming he met him with a smile
he threw his arms around him saying this is my darling child

the prodigal said, i searched for true religion, but to peace and no faith could i find

until i came to a little place called Bakersfield, that eased my troublin’ mind

i wandered into a tavern where a music band was playin’
the steel guitar rang out so sweet, i feel like i was prayin’
i asked a comely waitress, is this a new teaching
she said there is no God but God, and Ralph Mooney is his name
let me empty your ashtray, Mr. Mooney, if the drunks interfere i’ll be sad
but just as long as you sit there on the bandstand and play your guitar like Buddha, i’ll be glad
the father asked the prodigal, did you smell the sweet perfume and hear the angel band?
he said, dim lights, thick smoke, and loud, loud music is the only kind of truth i’ll ever understand
the prodigal son

Ry Cooder’s latest album, The Prodigal Son, is all America, our spiritual, hopeful voices, our raw cries and our sly provocations, voiced through the songs of the Pilgrim Travelers, The Stanley Brothers, Blind Willie Johnson, and Ry Cooder himself. This is black and white gospel church music, our own history of the spirit, sounding completely fresh and contemporary, framed by Cooders expressive vocals and graceful, elegant guitar work. Aided by his son, drummer and chief collaborator, Joachim Cooder, The Prodigal Son is a deft commentary on our ailing moral state. This is music for these times, a fearless dive into the country’s soul and the man, Ry Cooder.

For nearly 50 years, the immense scope and influence of Ry Cooders music has perhaps been felt as much, or more than heard. As musician, producer, songwriter and sage, the Santa Monica, California native has explored music and culture from across the city, the state, the country and around the world.

Over the years, Ry Cooder has received various awards and accolades such as:
2017 — BBC Radio 2 Folk Awards- Lifetime achievement
2007 – Americana Music Association Lifetime Achievement Award Instrumentalist
2003 Grammy Award (Best Traditional Tropical Latin Album) – Buenos Hermanos,
2003 Grammy Award (Best Pop Instrumental Album) – Mambo Sinuendo
1997 Grammy Award (Best Tropical Latin Performance) – Buena Vista Social Club
1994 Grammy Award (Best World Music Album) – Talking Timbuktu with Ali Farka Toure
1993 Grammy Award (Best World Music Album) – A Meeting by the River
1988 Grammy Award (Best Recording for Children) – Pecos Bill

The Prodigal Son Track Listing
1. straight street
2. shrinking man
3. gentrification
4. everybody ought to treat a stranger right
5. the prodigal son
6. nobody’s fault but mine
7. you must unload
8. i’ll be rested when the roll is called
9. harbor of love
10. jesus and woody
11. in his care

Woodturning - The Pencil Globe !!

In this video I make a globe from coloured pencils and epoxy resin. The piece was finished with a clear lacquer… This globe was just a bit of fun and not at all accurate and I wasnt that pleased at how it turned out, if you would like to see more accurate globes that I make you can check them out on the links below…

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My videos are for entertainment purposes only. When using any tools/machinery always read

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Троцкий против Сталина. Документальное кино Леонида Млечина

Льва Троцкого принято считать политическим соперником Сталина, претендовавшим на пост руководителя партии и главы государства. Историю России двадцатых годов рассматривают через призму борьбы Сталина и Троцкого за Кремль, в которую была втянута чуть не вся страна. Между тем сам Троцкий никогда не стремился взять власть в партии, и у него были на это веские причины. Тогда почему же Сталин так хотел уничтожить своего бывшего товарища по Политбюро?

Троцкий против Сталина. История противостояния политических соперников. Документальное кино Леонида Млечина
➖ Подписаться на Центральное Телевидение: www.youtube.com/channel/UCenFYp3Wqneyh2cU3GYTUBw?sub_confirmation=1
➖ Документальное кино Леонида Млечина: www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLgWn407gTfdQcNS0gGCvdIW5g3bcdOdWJ

#центральноетелевидение #документальноекиномлечина #млечин

➖ ➖ ➖
Известный писатель-публицист и тележурналист, дважды лауреат премии «ТЭФИ» Леонид Млечин уже на протяжении многих лет остаётся верен теме далёкой и близкой истории ХХ века и тем личностям, которые определяли её ход.

В каждом фильме – огромное количество уникальных архивных материалов, свидетельств современников, тщательно выстроенный сюжет.

Автор и ведущий – Леонид Млечин.

➖ ➖ ➖
«Центральное телевидение» — это телевидение вечных ценностей: документальные и исторические фильмы, ток-шоу, программы о науке и культуре, медицине, путешествиях и кулинарии.

На канале — авторские проекты известных людей: Игорь Петренко, Леонид Млечин, Кира Прошутинская, Татьяна Устинова, культовые программы: «Хроники московского быта», «90-е», «Дикие деньги», «10 самых», «Свадьба и развод», «Советские мафии», «Всемирная история предательств», «Осторожно, мошенники!», «Жена. История любви», «Сто вопросов к взрослому», а также золотая коллекция документального кино, фильмы о звездах, познавательные и развлекательные проекты.

Смотрите также:
➖ 10 САМЫХ… — www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLgWn407gTfdRMEhJHTswFr2oBlksRW9K4
➖ 90-е — www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLgWn407gTfdTHaHcjkZooCPAR5OzRoOH-
➖ Всемирная история предательств — www.youtube.com/watch?v=mIR1fJ2wx_M